South Georgia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church

About Us

Welcome! We are glad you have visited our website, and we invite you to learn more about The United Methodist Church. If you are longing for something more in life, we want you to know that our our hearts, our minds, and our doors are always open.  We are always happy to share our belief in Jesus Christ and His saving love. So consider this an open invitation to join us at any one of our local churches, and soon you will find connection with the only One who can give life true meaning and fulfillment.

On the drop down menu under “About Us” are pages with more information about The United Methodist Church and the South Georgia Conference. Any questions you may have are gladly welcomed.  Please contact us if there is any way we can serve you.

What do United Methodists believe?

With Christians of other communions we confess belief in the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This confession embraces the biblical witness to God’s activity in creation, encompasses God’s gracious self-involvement in the dramas of history, and anticipates the consummation of God’s reign

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The created order is designed for the well-being of all creatures and as the place of human dwelling in covenant with God. As sinful creatures, however, we have broken that covenant, become estranged from God, wounded ourselves and one another, and wreaked havoc throughout the natural order. We stand in need of redemption.

” … Because God truly loves us in spite of our willful sin, God judges us, summons us to repentance, pardons us, receives us by that grace given to us in Jesus Christ, and gives us hope of life eternal.”

Our Symbol

Each time you see the cross and flame emblem, you are looking at United Methodism’s official symbol.

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