Dooly Campground’s ministry is supported through donations and gifts from individuals, churches and guests who come to Dooly for a special time apart whether it be for the annual campmeeting, a youth camp, a retreat, a family reunion or other time of personal renewal.
Our ongoing improvements and projects are made possible through generous gifts from friends of Dooly Campground. Many faithful supporters have shared with Dooly Campground. Join us as we embark on an ambitious revitalization of our facilities to meet the needs of the body of Christ in the 21st century. Please support this special place with your prayers and support
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. Help ensure Dooly Campground is available for generations to come.
Please partner in ministry with Dooly Campground to continue this dynamic ministry equipping disciples of Jesus Christ for service. Your gift will be greatly appreciated and is tax-deductible. You will receive a tax letter at the end of the calendar year.
Gifts will be applied as most needed for the improvements, operations and related ministries of Dooly Campground. Any specific donor restrictions will be fully honored.
IN THE NEWS: Learn how your endowment gifts help preserve Dooly Campground and it’s ministry for present and future generations by reading this recent article in the Georgia United Methodist Foundation website! Click on this link to go to the article:
Here are several convenient ways for you to contribute:
Outright Gifts
- Mail Checks to:
- Dooly Campground ~ Post Office Box 7 ~ Vienna, GA 31092
- Memorials – Gifts may be made in honor or memory of a loved one or friend
Online Giving
- Credit/Debit (MasterCard, Discover or Visa)