NOMADS began in 1988 in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.  Methodists from Illinois, Iowa and Indiana were Winter Texans and someone finally said “I am bored, there must be some good we can do here.”  So they approached local Methodist churches and offered their services.  That first year there were 24 members who completed five projects in Texas and Oklahoma

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NOMADS grew as an all volunteer organization under the North Central Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church.  Membership grew, and in 2001, NOMADS incorporated and became an organization under the General Board of Global Ministries.  NOMADS also contracted a full time program administrator and started offering summer/fall projects in addition to winter/spring projects.  After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, NOMADS began doing disaster recovery work in Mississippi.

Currently, NOMADS offers about 150 projects each year and has over 1000 members.   NOMADS on regular project and drop-ins donated a total of 102,000 hours of volunteer labor in 2009.  Five Disaster Response Projects have been offered over the past year in Mississippi, Texas, Indiana and Iowa with a total of 10,600 hours of donated labor.

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